Registration Guide
To register to vote in North Carolina, you must:
Be a U.S. citizen.*
Citizenship documents are NOT required to register!
Live in the county where you are registering, and have resided there for at least 30 days prior to Election Day.
For voters on active duty military, their families, and U.S. citizens abroad, the federal Uniformed and Overseas Citizens Absentee Voting Act (UOCAVA) allows you to register and vote by mail-in ballot. Visit the NC UOCAVA Portal to access your ballot.
For college students, check the NC State Board of Elections's guide on registering in your college community.
Be at least 18 years old, or will be by the date of the general election.
If you will be 18 at the time of the general election, you may vote in the eprimary for that election as a 17 year old.
Not be serving a felony sentence. (This includes any period of probation, post-release supervision, or parole.)*
Once their period of supervision is over, a person convicted of a felony automatically regains the right to vote. They must still register to vote, even if they were previously registered to vote prior to being convicted of a felony. Learn more about registering to vote while in the criminal justice system.
Misdemeanor convictions in the state of North Carolina do not jeopardize your right to vote, even if you are incarcerated.​
*Eligible would-be voters who become naturalized U.S. citizens or whose rights are restored after being released from prison or jail for a felony sentence ahead of Election Day, but after the regular voter registration deadline, may register and vote during early voting or in-person on Election Day.
The civilian voter registration deadline for North Carolina is 25 days before Election Day. Be sure to account for shipping time if you plan to register through mail!
Same-Day Registration
During the in-person early voting period for elections, eligible yet unregistered citizens can go to a One-Stop Early Voting Site to register and vote immediately. This is called same-day registration. You can update your name and/or address this way, too.
Visit our guide to early voting to learn about casting your ballot immediately after registering.
Online Registration
​If you have an NC driver's license or DMV-issued ID, the North Carolina DMV has a free online voter registration application.
This method can also be used to update your address and/or party affiliation.
In-Person Registration
Registration can be completed in-person at your local DMV, as well as at a variety of other social services and agencies. A full list of these agencies is available at the NC State Board of Elections's website.
Mail-In Registration
The NC State Board of Elections has downloadable applications in English and Spanish available to print, fill out, and deliver to the Mecklenburg County Board of Elections. This method can also be used to update your name, address, and/or party affiliation.
The NC State Board of Elections has an extensive list of Frequently Asked Questions regarding voter registration.