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Voter's Guide

Checking Registration

Unsure if you're registered to vote? Double check by using the North Carolina State Board of Elections's Voter Search tool. This will show your voter details, including jurisdictions, polling place, sample ballot (when available), absentee ballot information, and voter history


If you are not yet registered to vote, visit our Registration Guide to learn how to do so!


If your registered information is incorrect or outdated, visit the NCSBE's guide on updating registration.

Polling Places

Make sure you know your upcoming election dates!


On Election Day, you should vote at your Polling Place, a set place where all residents of your voting precinct can vote on Election Day. The NCSBE's Voter Search tool will show you your designated polling place.

Voter ID

Don't forget to bring your Photo ID. If you have a North Carolina state driver's license, this will suffice. If you don't, the North Carolina Democratic Party's website has a list of acceptable forms of ID.

Blue Ballot

Mecklenburg County Democratic Party publishes a list of Democrats who will be on Mecklenburg voters' ballots. We call this the Blue Ballot. You may view our 2024 Blue Ballots for all of Mecklenburg County, House Districts 98 and 105 and Senate Disctricts 38, 38, 40 and 42.


Here are the Blue Ballots for the 2024 Election Cycle.

Mail-In Voting

If you’re not able to vote in person, you can request an Absentee-By-Mail Ballot. Any North Carolina registered voter may request, receive, and vote a mail-in absentee ballot in elections where absentee voting is permitted. (Absentee-by-mail voting is not permitted in some municipal elections.) Be sure to postmark your Absentee Ballot by election day, or it will NOT be counted!


To request an Absentee Ballot, visit the NC Absentee Ballot Portal and click Option 1, or fill out the 2023 NC Absentee Ballot Request Form and submit it to Mecklenburg County Board of Elections in person or by mail via the U.S. Postal Service, DHL, FedEx, or UPS. You can track your ballot by registering with BallotTrax.


The NCSBE also has detailed instructions for requesting, completing, and returning a ballot, as well as an extensive list of Frequently Asked Questions on voting by mail.

Early Voting

Voters can cast their ballots before the general Election Day, during the election's designated early voting period (which usually lasts around 2 weeks). The NCSBE's One-Stop Early Voting Site locator provides a list and map of all early voting sites in Mecklenburg County for the upcoming election. Note that unlike on the general Election Day, you can go to ANY early voting site in your county for Early Voting!


If you are not yet registered to vote, you can register and cast an early ballot in the same day at a One-Stop Early Voting Site. Visit our guide on Same-Day Registration and Early Voting for more information.


NC voters can vote in a vehicle "curbside" because of age, physical disability, or physical barriers which prevent a voter from entering the voting enclosure without physical assistance. Sites will have signage for curbside voting.


NC law allows a voter to have an immediate family member help them get in and out of a voting booth and prepare a ballot. Depending on physical ability or lack of literacy, a voter may be allowed to have a non-family helper of their choice. Visit the NCSBE's guide on help for voters with disabilities.


Visually impaired and blind voters have the right to an accessible absentee ballot (requested through Option 1 on the NC Absentee Ballot Portal, then completed through Option 3 once received). This ballot is completely compatible with screen-readers and accepts either a digital or typed signature. Accessible absentee voting requires two witnesses to be in your presence as you mark your ballot. These witnesses must complete the witness information and sign their names, as well as anyone else who assists you in marking your ballot (note that your assistant can also serve as a witness!). If this feels like a lot to remember, you may benefit from practicing with the NCSBE's Absentee DEMO Ballot Portal.


Federal and state requirements mandate that voting systems be equipped for voters with disabilities. Every voting precinct and every One-Stop Absentee site is required to have at least one accessible machine. To learn more about your rights as a voter under the Americans with Disabilities Act, visit's list of laws and accommodations for voters with disabilities.


If further assistance with accessibility is needed, contact Matt Stone, ADA Coordinator, at, (919) 805-1302, 6400 Mail Service Center, Raleigh, NC 27699-6400. The State Board of Elections welcomes feedback about their systems at (866) 522-4723 or

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Office Hours:

10AM - 5PM

Monday - Friday

Mecklenburg County  Democratic Party

725 East Trade St,

Suite 100
​Charlotte, NC 28202


P.O. Box 34383
Charlotte, NC 28234

Paid for by the Mecklenburg County Democratic Party.

© 2024 MCDP. All Rights Reserved.

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