Win Mecklenburg County. Win North Carolina.
Knock Doors with Us
Join us to knock on doors and get out the vote for Democrats up-and-down the ballot in Mecklenburg County. Canvasses are run from 27 locations across Mecklenburg County so there is surely one near you.
Out-of-State Volunteers
Visit our Out-of-State Volunteer hub to learn more about virtual, remote phone-banking or make travel plans to volunteer with us in Mecklenburg County!
Be a Poll Greeter
We need poll greeters for 35 early voting location and more than 100 precincts on Election Day! Meet voters and hand out Blue Ballots. Tell everyone "Thank you for volting today!"
On-site Phonebanking
Sign up to encourage voters to go to the polls right now for early voting and on election day. Help them make a plan to vote and encourage them to vote for Democrats.
Not sure what you want to do?
Sign up as a volunteer and we'll contact you to connect you to opportunities.